
Fair of the city of valleys

Feria de la ciudad de valles

Of the day 22 to 24 January celebrate the XXIII Exposure - International contest of Birds of Race "City of Valls II monograph of hens of Catalan Races And National Championship of Catalan Races: • Race Ampurdanesa • Race Penedesenca • Race Prat • Race Flor of Almendro.

Of the Association of criadores of the Race Prat remove the prizes the criador Juan Pujals Better Porthole Rooster and better Hen Tambien the Prize Francoli to the Races Prat if the remove Juan Pujals Porthole, criador of the Association. The criadores of the Association that exposed in this exposure fuerón: Fracisco Houses Llangosterra Antonio Escuin White Valentina Cooked Arnalta Juan Pujals Porthole, winning Tambien presented of different regions Birds of the Race Prat. Like commentary of the photo attaches: The representatives of each race handed the prize to the winner. In this case the Mrs. Valentina Cooked, president of the Association of criadores of the Race Prat, hands the prize to the Mr. Juan Pujals. Association of criadores of Race Prat.

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